Poetry Friday: Mourning the loss of Katey Howes

I wasn’t sure if I should believe it, when I saw a couple of Facebook posts mentioning the passing of children’s author Katey Howes. I searched for an official obituary, but couldn’t find anything from any sort of reliable source – yet more and more people were talking about it.

Sure enough, the truth became apparent and the realization that the world of children’s literature had unexpectedly lost one of our kindest, most supportive members hit home.

Katey was one of the first kidlit creators I met many years ago at an SCBWI conference and, as many others will tell you, she was a very helpful, encouraging soul. I wouldn’t say we were friends, necessarily, but we kept in touch with what each was doing and would ocassionally connect via social media.

So it came as a shock – an unbelieveable one – when I first heard the news that she was no longer with us.

Even though Katey loved writing picture books with a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Math) focus, she loved poetry, too, and was very good at writing it. This is why I thought I’d share a couple of spreads from her 2022 book, A Poem Grows inside You (The Innovation Press).

Beautiful on both art and text, the book is a lyrical celebration of the creative process – of being open to ideas and nurturing them and letting them grow:

(Click to enlarge)


I know I’m not alone when I tell you how much the kidlit community – and the world – will miss her talent, her spirit, and her wonderful books.

Rest in peace, Katey.

Michelle Kogan is celebrating the May birthdays of a couple of famous poets, and you can read her post at today’s Poetry Friday roundup at her blog MoreArt4All.

~~ I am booking author visits
for the 2024-2025 school year! ~~

Not having raised my rates EVER, I regret to say I will need to increase my rates slightly this coming school year; if you think your school might be interested in having me visit, plese contact me before the end of THIS school year and I will lock in my current rate for you! (You don’t need to book me or sign a contract; simply let me know you’d like to lock in the current rate, and that’s it!)

Check out all the presentations I offer, then email me at Matt (at) MattForrest (dot) com!

I love chatting with elementary and middle school classes about writing: why poetry is fun to read and write, the importance of revision, and how imagination and creativity can lead to fantastic careers! My presentations are tailored to fit the needs of the classes and students’ ages. One day I might be sharing details of how a picture book like Flashlight Night (Astra Young Readers, 2017) was created; the next, I’ll be discussing dinosaur breath or crafting origami sea turtles!

Student presentations include:

  • The Making of a Picture Book
  • How a Child Saved a Book
  • “Once Upon Another Time”
  • The Most Important Thing about Writing Poetry
  • “I Am Today”
  • “A Beginner’s Guide to Being Human”
  • “Everybody Counts: Counting to 10 in Twelve Languages”

Adult presentations include:

  • The Making of a Picture Book
  • The Most Important Thing about Writing Poetry
  • Free Yourself with Free Verse
  • Tight Language, Loose Narratives: Crafting a Non-Traditional Picture Book
  • The Journey of a Children’s Author

Learn more at MattForrest.com!


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from my local independent bookstore!


I’m now on BOOKSHOP!


I’m also very happy to be part of the BOOKROO family!


Ordering personalized signed copies online? Oh, yes, you can!

You can purchase personally-signed copies of Flashlight Night, (Astra Young Readers, 2017), Don’t Ask a Dinosaur (Pow! Kids Books, 2018)and nearly EVERY book or anthology I’ve been part of!

Click here to view all my books and to order!

Just click the cover of whichever book you want and send a comment to the good folks at MainStreet BookEnds in Warner, NH requesting my signature and to whom I should make it out. (alternatively, you can log onto my website and do the same thing) They’ll contact me, I’ll stop by and sign it, and then they’ll ship it! (Plus, you’ll be supporting your local bookseller – and won’t that make you feel good?)


Thank you to everyone for your support!




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18 thoughts on “Poetry Friday: Mourning the loss of Katey Howes

  1. Denise Krebs

    Matt, I’m so sorry about the loss of Katey. My condolences to you and all who loved her. I just read about her death on Marcie’s blog, and so I went to the Libby library and have been reading her picture books. Beautiful words and work. She was too young.


  2. Tracey Kiff-Judson

    Thank you for sharing Katey’s lyrical words, Matt. I didn’t know Katey, but the outpouring of affection from so many sources shows that she was truly a kind, outgoing, and generous person.


  3. I’ve been searching for an obituary too, even though I don’t know why. I guess hoping some details would help make sense of it? I knew Katey to about the same level that you did. She was just so passionate and smart and funny. The kid that world is poorer for her loss 😦


    1. I have been searching, too. I have not met her parents, but know they live near me and I wanted to send them a note. Katey went to the same school as my kiddos–I can’t quite fathom that she is gone.


  4. lindabaie

    I was sad to read the news, too, and all those who loved her must be heartbroken, Matt, like you! Although I didn’t know her, I’ve loved her books, believe this one you’re sharing is one to keep & share & share! What a loving post you wrote for Katey!


  5. Thank you, Matt. Katey was the type of person who made you feel like a longtime friend from the minute you met her. I was just with her at the beginning of May at Highlights. So sudden. So sad. I relish that last goodbye hug we shared. My post for today is dedicated to her family. Thank you for sharing her words.


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