Poetry Friday: “Good night”

It’s been a crazy week around here. We lost power and water on Sunday, and although we have both of them finally back as of today, we’re still without heat. Fortunately, we rely on the wood stove more than the oil furnace, so we’re doing ok.

Poetry_Friday logoThe reason I bring this up is because I’ve barely had any time – or even ability – to get any work done this week, let alone write. But as a writer, I’m always ‘working’, so I wanted to share this short little vignette which I wrote while thinking about the snow that was in the forecast for last night. As always, I hope you enjoy it…and be sure to visit Keri at Keri Recommends for today’s Poetry Friday celebration and a touching tribute to her dad from Alfred Lord Tennyson.

Good night

Like Mother’s whisper,
soft and low –
the gentle touch
of Autumn snow.

© 2014, Matt Forrest Esenwine

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14 thoughts on “Poetry Friday: “Good night”

  1. As short as that is, it is beautiful and new. For some reason reading those lines an immediate image popped into my head. Thanks for sharing even a bit of poetry after all that has happened to you recently.


  2. Matt, I am sorry about your frustrating week. When Superstorm Sandy hit Long Island my family was without heat, electricity, and water for 14 days so I understand why you could get very little “work” done. You did manage to write a wonderful poem about the autumn snow. If you have a photo, I would like to include this poem in the Finding Fall Gallery. I wrote a zeno (my 3rd now) called November Snow in anticipation of what may be coming my way tomorrow.


  3. Thanks for the poem — glad you were able to define a beautiful moment amidst all the hassles. Sorry to hear about the power loss and everything. I’m sure you’ve had your fill of “pioneer days.”


  4. We had a wood stove in the other house, Matt. It did heat all when we needed to. Glad for you in that way. This weather has been a shock after the beautiful weather we’ve and for so long. Guess it’s time. Love how you approached the snow. There is that ‘gentleness’ about it, at least most of the time.


  5. Pingback: Poetry Friday: “Steam Train” | Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme

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