Poetry Friday: “Poetry…Cubed”, Round 2!

Poetry Cubed logoHard to believe, but National Poetry Month was half a year ago, when I introduced a little writing contest I called “Poetry…Cubed.”  So, 6 months later, I think it’s time to bring it back and have some more fun!

First, a recap, in case you don’t know how this works: On The Food Network show, “Chopped,” chefs compete against each other by trying to create the best dishes they can using specific ingredients given to them in a special basket. They have no idea what’s in those baskets until they open them on the spot.

For the first round, they might have to create appetizers using, for example, pig knuckles, lima beans, and cocoa. The dishes are critiqued by a panel of judges, the chef with the least appealing dish gets ‘chopped,’ and the three remaining chefs then move on to the entree round, which might consist of geoduck, durian, and Good ‘n Plenty.

The final two move on to desserts, and the last chef standing wins.

For the contest I’m presenting here, I’ve taken the basic premise of the TV show and removed the anxiety…I call it “Poetry…Cubed!” Here’s how it works:

  • Use the 3 images (“cubed!”) below as inspiration to write a poem.
  • The poem can be any form, any number of lines, rhyming or not.
  • The only hitch is that you need to include a reference to all three images in the poem – either via concrete imagery or something more abstract.
  • Ornaments
    (click to enlarge)

    Then email your poem to me at Matt (at) MattForrest (dot) com before Nov. 30 and I’ll share them all here throughout the month! Out of all the poems entered, ONE lucky writer will be chosen at random to receive his/her choice of:

I’ll post all the poems and announce the winner on Fri., Dec. 4!

Keep in mind, I can only format poems to a small degree – so if possible, try to refrain from lots of unusual breaks and text placement. I’ll do my best to format your poem per your wishes, but WordPress will only allow me to do so much; blogging platforms aren’t known for being particularly poetry-friendly!

Ready? Here are your three images:


Think you can make something delicious out of these ingredients? Feel free to click any of the images to enlarge them, and remember: your poems can use concrete references or abstract references; they’re poems, after all, so be creative!

To get things started, here’s a simple stanza I came up with:

Her, in November

Love’s seeds burst open
on the vine
as autumn plays its games;
the fire, ’tis sweet,
but once lit, none
dare try contain the flames.

– © 2015, Matt Forrest Esenwine, all rights reserved

poetryfridaybutton-fulllI only spent 15-20 minutes on that, so I’m sure you can come up with something better! I look forward to seeing it! Keep in mind, your poem doesn’t have to be the best, it just has to have a reference to each of the three photos – the winner will be chosen at random.

And for all of today’s Poetry Friday links and fun, please visit Katya at Write. Sketch, Repeat.!


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16 thoughts on “Poetry Friday: “Poetry…Cubed”, Round 2!

  1. Pingback: Stormy Morning: Poetry Friday | Write. Sketch. Repeat. — Katya Czaja

      1. Ha, that’s ok! Like i said, feel free to be as abstract as you wish. Pat the Patriot’s picture could be taken in the context of a competition, the color blue, an angry sneer, zero/nil/emptiness…it’s good to have poetic license!


  2. Ok–first off, my home ec courses have come back to haunt me. Cubed in cooking=4-sides/square. Took awhile for me to get that your cubed allusion is to math=third power. Having stretched my brain to achieve that much clarity at this time of the day, I’m left defenseless against better judgment (as in knowing my limits, particularly when I had no clue what the 3rd photo is; thankfully the photo ID told. What the middle “person” is (firefighter?) is yet another mystery.) I will do my best to give your challenge a three-times whirl. p.s. In terms of WordPress formatting challenges (Tell me about them!), would it help to save the poem as a media image, or would that further complicate your ganging the Cubed Poems? Your call. Thanks again for the challenge. …


    1. Well, I give you credit for discovering my play-on-words with “cubed!’ I don’t know if anyone else has so far. As for the photos, don’t sweat it…this is poetry, so they are whatever you PERCEIVE them to be! (The middle person, by the way, is Pat the Patriot, the mascot for the New England Patriots.) And however you’d like to send the poem is up to you – I can take word docs or graphics, your choice. I look forward to seeing what you come up with!


      1. No, no, no! You cannot do that to me…”Make” me look at, think about, or worse yet–write about the dreaded “Pat.” Think about who you’re sharing this information with. (Truthfully, I thought it was a sinister weird woodsman/firefighter/soldier or something. …Wait..I’m putting those pieces together…Ah-ha! Minuteman Patriot from Revolutionary War? ) Anyway, I’ve already been noodling. Often (usually, almost always), I’m sure I do myself in with revisions…Instead of making “things” better, I think I make them worse. Overthink. Over manipulate. Over clever-ize…. Anyway, I’ll see which version I’m willing to let go of…And with your okay, that blessed Pat likely is staying a firefighter for me…p.s. I can’t claim any credit for figuring out the cubed–I was stuck on little squares of meat or something 4-sided which didn’t seem to have any relationship with 3 photos. But as you suggested, I took a look at the April results & in that post you explained what cubed means. So thank you; you get all the credit! …Thanks, too, for letting me know that you would accept graphics. I likely will send a jpeg. Thanks again for everything. ..Peace! God bless you!


      2. Ha, ha sorry! But as I told Diane, this is poetry, so feel free to be as abstract as you’d like! The images provide the inspiration – how you perceive them is totally up to you! Thanks for your kind words, and I’ll look forward to seeing your creation!


  3. Jessica Bigi

    Poem By Jessica Bigi

    Thanksgiving Day

    Last second
    Five o-clock dinner- plate
    Cranbury’s in a boil
    Turkeys blazing in
    Grandmas’ oven
    Yesterday grandpa
    Chops firewood
    Tonight we bless
    Those we love
    Happy Thanksgiving


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