Poetry Friday: “Birthday (for my son)”

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My son is one of those folks whose birthday comes shortly after Christmas, so it takes some effort on his mom’s and my part to make sure he doesn’t get short-changed. (You know, the “Well, you just got a bunch of stuff for Christmas, so here are some new socks” kind of thing) So in addition to a few more cool toys and a nice cake, I wrote him a little something.

Hopefully he’ll appreciate it once he’s old enough to be able to appreciate it! Hard to believe he’s already 7 – so that day is probably rapidly approaching.

My neighbor to the north, Donna Smith at Mainely Write, is hosting Poetry Friday today, while we all dig out from a big pile of snow that got dumped on us yesterday and overnight. So please stop by and say hi, and check out all the poetry links and fun!

And please have a very safe, healthy, and success-filled New Year!


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22 thoughts on “Poetry Friday: “Birthday (for my son)”

  1. margaretsmn

    Happy Birthday to your son. Those years fly by. Take time to take long walks and look at the stars and read stories. Before you know it, well, you know what I mean.


  2. What a sweet poem! I loved blankets, bottles, bassinet so distant, yet so near…”
    Kids are the closest thing to doing time travel… baby one minute – seven years old the next!
    Have a fantastic New Year, Matt!


    1. Glad you liked it, BJ, thank you! Our son almost ended up with “Noel” as a middle name because we weren’t sure when he was going to be born…and if he had been a girl, he would probably have been Phoebe Frost. Have a wonderful 2017!


  3. dmayr

    Happy birthday to your son, and a Happy New Year to you and yours! We didn’t get as much snow as you did. Just enough to make it pretty for the morning after!


    1. Thanks Diane, and Happy New Year to you, as well! We have some friends in Derry who got about 4-5 inches, which was only about 2 inches less than we did…so I’m thankful it wasn’t a major cleanup effort! One snow-blowing session Friday morning, and it was all done.


  4. What a sweet poem and photo… and reminder of how quickly time passes. We have a photo frame on our kitchen table that plays a slide show of family photos of the kids at all ages. Seeing his newborn photos makes it feel like such a short time ago our almost-9-year-old was brand new.


  5. Happy birthday to your little guy–wouldn’t it be cool to write a new poem each year, or even each month? I keep a family diary and I try to write about each kid in some detail on their monthiversaries–I guess I’m collecting them for a future gift of writing!

    All the best in 2017, Matt!


    1. He just might, Carol. He seemed pretty excited that I’d written this for him – which surprised me, since 7-year-old boys don’t usually get that excited about their dads writing poetry! But he understands that I write for a living and sees my material in books, so I suppose he might recognize the value of a personal poem more than others his age. Thank you for your kind thoughts!


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